I Am Taking This Time To…

Envisioning Your Life As You Want to Live It

I Am Taking This Time To...

I Am Taking This Time To… is an ebook penned by Cynthia Boyer because she believes in the power of you.

Cynthia wrote I Am Taking This Time To empower women who are currently residing in an unhealthy environment in their minds.

It is Cyndi’s goal to help women to move into a new place where abundance abounds. That place is a sanctuary of hope, joy, peace and love. This is where women can come, relax and believe in every dream she dreams.

This ebook, I am taking this time to… is about time.

Helping women to take time for themselves which includes self-love, self-care and how to take life-loving action to change their lives  for the better.

Cyndi wrote this book through and by her own life experiences. With a deep understanding of what it means to change a life, her own, she has been blessed to share her new way of thinking which can truly help to change one’s life.

Here is Cyndi’s Own Personalized Story, The Reason for I Am Taking This Time To…

I Am Taking This Time To…Piecing my life together has come by faith.

Trying to understand the intricacies of my life I decided to embark on a whole new way of life.

I wanted more than my mind was telling me that I could have.

I wanted to explore the hidden pages in my heart to write books of joy while cultivating a harvest of fulfillment, happiness and peace.

There has always been a need to have peace within my walls and prosperity abounding in my palace.

The question I had to ask myself was this; how am I going to achieve my heart’s desire and change my life so that I may receive riches and wealth for the rest of my life.

I had to take a look at myself. I had to delve deep into my mind, heart and spirit to recognize my own shortcomings, limited beliefs and every other component that was robbing me of my own contentment.

Time had come and It was time for me to discover more; that more had to come from me and it did.

Ready for change, I was ready to embrace a new me and a new way of thinking in addition to a new way of. living.

It was time to release all the negative thoughts that was draining me of my energy.

Furthermore, I could not keep living as though I believe I was this powerless and useless being.

The time had come for me to stop living and breathing in fear.

Confidence and courage had waited for me long enough and it was time to invite them on my life-loving journey.

I knew that I was able. I knew I was capable and most of all, I was ready.

I was ready to loose the chains that held me in bondage.

Finally, I confidently girded up my loins and spoke to the chains and told them to fall off. With my newfound strength and empowerment my life began to change.

Although I fell back from time to time I kept getting up never to stay down.

My mind told me to keep going. I was slowly moving from a very unhealthy environment into a healthy new environment. It was time.

I was determined to make a new life for myself. Regardless of how nervous I may have been, I decided to make a commitment to changing the course of my path and to build a pathway to abundance and opulence.

This covenant would forever been etched on the table of my heart. I believed that I deserved it so I went after it.

That is when I cleared my mind and said to fear, hurt, anxiety, stress and depression the time for you to make your departure from my life has come.

So I boldly opened the door and bid each and every one of them farewell.

Happy to be living in a new environment, I feel safe and confident

Though they tried their best to reenter my life to disturb my peace, for the first time in my life I said no without ever second guessing my decision.

And so I embarked on learning how to move from one negative state of mind to a positive state of mind in an effort to alter my circumstances for the better.

Realizing that it is impossible to live in a state where positive thinking constantly and consistently reside I’d be crazy to believe that I could live this way every second that I breathe.

Instead, I, at times, welcome the negative to serve as a reminder that I must always be thankful.

Grateful for my new environment and to never forget where I came from; a place of darkness that held me captive longer than I want to think about.

Embracing  a Life of Love and Thankfulness

With the love, compassion gifts and talents speaking to me I went on a journey to see how I would change my life. What I found would bless me beyond belief.

The calm, the joy, the faith, the happiness and all the things that had been laying at my feet and in my spirit had given me a nudge.

People told me to start all my days in God’s word. And then they recommended that I speak life changing affirmations into my heart and mind.

Folks advised me to take inspired action to use all of my gifts.

My family said take your skill set. Use it all to encourage yourself. Start a business and just believe. I took all of this and now my life is different. It is a light that guides me daily.

I no longer have to be afraid. No more fear.

Doubt has been replaced by the confidence that I now breath in and enjoy.

Never puffed up, but always grateful humble and blessed. To God be all of the glory and I mean all of the glory!!!

Now every single day I begin my day with thanksgiving in my heart to God.

I speak my own personalized affirmations, affirming what I believe in myself. T

his all was long overdo. If I was going to change my life I needed to believe in my life which is to say I had to believe in me.

Thank You, Jesus.

Written by Cynthia Boyer





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