My Life-Loving Story

How I Changed My Life for the Better; I Got Tired



I created every woman’s life loving journey for one reason and that reason is for you and every woman who wants to change her life for the better.

For most of my adult I felt like something was blocking my progress. When I found out what that was I made up mind about a thousand times over to do something a bout my stilled steps.

First, I had to delve deep down into my heart to look to see what was going on with me. I was all over the map in terms of my mind and desperately seeking relief from my tormented ways.

Reaching deep down into the quicksand that was holding me down, I realized that it was my fearful, low self esteem, self sabotaging with a negative poverty mindset that was stopping me from living my happiest, joyful, most fulfilled life ever. Yes, it was, without a shadow of a doubt my own thoughts, mindset and lack of faith in God that was blocking my progress.

I knew I had to do something about this or I would never be able to, not only live the life I had been envisioning for myself, but I would never be able to accomplish my goals nor would I be able to help others.

Stepping out in faith, or so I thought, it took me such a long time to learn how to change my thought process once and for all. I quickly learned, at least for me, once and for all does not exist. It is not a realistic goal. I’ll tell you why. Changing my life is a never ending life learning process because it consists of always learning new things and because I am always learning new things once and for all does not apply to my life. I had to rid myself of this process because I am willing to learn and I want to learn so once and for all would not apply to my life.

Being such an imperfect person who is constantly making better choices for my life I just cannot say once and for all. I’m learning and I’m growing. I feel like I’m evolving every single day. There seems to be new versions of me coming forth and those new versions simply mean a much better me every time God awakens me.

I’d love to think that I am evolving and becoming a nicer more loving and compassionate luminous being. I also believe that I have a deeper understanding of what it means to be patient and calm.

It was definitely time to let fear go

Awakened to the importance of being less fearful, being more confident within my heart and mind I learned that I had nothing and no one to fear.

However, teaching myself about these enormous giants and how to remove these eye blocking mountains far from my view was not easy. May I please explain.

The one mountain that gripped me up was the mountain of being able to speak NO when I meant no. This was extremely difficult for me. I think a lot of people struggle with saying no.  Whenever my heart and mind would say NO, my mouth would say YES and then I’d regret that decision. This truly haunted me over the years. I cared more for other people’s feelings than I cared for my own. I was constantly putting other people before me.

If someone asked me for a favor and my heart said no my lips were saying the opposite which was yes. I was afraid to be honest with myself for fear of being admonished or ridiculed. When I got tired of living this way I knew I had to be the one to change my self sabotaging behavior.

I was also worried about others which made me sad at times because there were times when I wanted to be a help to family members but realized that I could not save the world and that’s what I felt like; like I was desperately trying to save others in some form or capacity. It’s just that I want others to be safe and sincerely cared.

It was when God spoke to my heart and said, my child, it’s okay to let all these things go. And so I made up my mind to release the anxiety, leave the stress far behind and stop worrying about things that I had no power to change.

I dropped the weight and all of its baggage and said to myself, it’s time to start anew

One of the first and most important lessons that I learned was to say no to others, mean it and let that be the final message. Loud and clear and not feel guilty for having said no. This baggage was weighing me down heavily. Realizing that I had made things more difficult than they had to be, I also learned that the journey had the potential to be exciting and fun.

Second, I taught myself to encourage myself. I spoke to heart and told her that I am a luminous being, incredible in every way. In other words I began using affirmations to help me to encourage myself. They helped, but not at first. My faith wasn’t as it is now so it took me a little longer for me to believe that the affirmations.

I had to believe what I was speaking into my mind and heart. Some of the affirmations just did not resonate with my spirit. That’s when I wrote my own, what I call, personalized affirmations. Now, these work and my oh my did I see things begin to turn around for the better for me and all by Gods grace.

The most important ways that I began seeing profound changes in my life was when I started to read God’s truth. His word, His life principles have and continue and always will be blessings in my life. Applying His truths to every situation, aspect and circumstance in my life have been blessings for my life, helping me to build a whole new foundation and remarkable way of living.

One thing I have to stress is that my actions were not in alignment with my thoughts. Please let me explain once again.

As I was desperately working to change my life, it was taking longer than expected because I would lay my burdens at Jesus’ feet only to take them back, but I think that this was the norm for me because I had been stuck for years.

I compare it to my fibroid tumors. I had one gigantic fibroid tumor and around that huge basketball the doctor discovered a gazillion little ones. After I had my surgery, those tiny little tumors began to shrank, but they took forever. And guess what; they are still shrinking now. What a story that is.

Now I am living a brand new life

If I wrote a book about all of this and how I was able to transform my life I do believe that it would be a number one best seller forever.

As I was working on changing my life for the better I was reading passages on how to manifest anything. I was watching YouTube after YouTube. Some were helpful and some just fluff.

I realized that the change I needed would and could only come from God, my beliefs, trust and faith in Him and looking deep inside myself. When I made up my mind to do this God began dropping the goldest nuggets into my heart, mind and spirit. My heart is still smiling!

I was not longer feeling down and depressed. I started using my God gifts consistently and I am still writing some of the most powerful affirmations ever. Why are they so powerful? Because God’s Holy Spirit blessed me with every word and let me tell you that these affirmations are beautifully worded and ultra powerful. I am so grateful and happy that He gifted them to me.

My daily morning ritual

I now have a morning routine that helps me to begin my day. With a sincerely thankful heart my transformational routine helps me to begin my day confidently and courageously. I am more than able and capable to run my affairs and empire with faith and trust in God. All of my businesses and brands will never suffer again because of my low self esteem.

Looking back over the years and pondering every hurdle I had to endure I realize that I had the power to conquer the unnecessary fear that once gripped my life. The power has been inside me all along. It’s amazing what one can do when faith comes you and speaks to your heart. The key here though is heeding God’s wise counsel along with His infinite wisdom.

Now that my journey is clear, bright and super sunny I know in my heart that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

On my own life loving personalized journey the priceless lessons I have learned are the mistakes and poor decisions that I had to encounter. How else would I be where I am right now.

My story is something like The Jackie Robinson Story. A story so powerful that it will forever be etched in my heart to remind me that my mind and using my imagination can take me places that only my eyes can see.

Wealth, riches, prosperity and abundance breathe in me

God has truly blessed my life in ways I can’t pen to paper because I’d be writing from now to infinity. I

I no longer care what others say or how/what they feel about me. Also, I don’t cry at the drop of a hat when my feelings have been crushed by hurtful words that others speak to me, simply because I don’t allow those words to flow to me so they never have a chance to reach my ears. I am free to love me in an enriching and powerful way. I am forever enlightened and grateful for the joy from God.

I have a peace that is deeply peaceful. Did it take a while for me to get to this mountaintop? You’d better believe that it did, but the amazing news is that I am here, standing on my personalized mountaintop!

Even though my life loving journey goes beyond what I have penned here just know that my life is filled with an abundance of love and compassion along with Gods grace and mercy. And from this moment forward, I’ll keep tapping to become better and a better ME everyday of my life.

I’d like to encourage you to do exactly what I’ve done to prosper and change my life

The roller coaster that I riding on left me drained and depressed and I did not have a clue as what I should do. And now I am thriving and living a fulfilled and phenomenal life. You have the power within, in addition to the overflowing abundance inside to do whatever you so please.

You don’t have to ride that roller coaster that can leave you scared, lost and confused. If you are tired of being stuck and you are ready to do something about it, you can. I encourage you to get off of that ride and create a new path for yourself.

It is extremely important for me and to me that I try my best to help women and young girls to prosper their lives. Most people will never share their hardships and struggles, but I know that the feeling and reality of not being fed, nourished, nurtured, happy and content is really real.

If you are suffering silently I want to encourage you to use my life changing resources to deeply bless your life. Do it secretly if you need to and then come alive and life your happiest most phenomenal life ever and I mean forever.

Will you have setbacks? Yes, but those setbacks are going to help you to grow and push you and encourage you to keep climbing. Your life loving journey is your own. Trust and enjoy the experience. Your life can’t be the same. Taking the first step will bless you beyond belief.

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